Sustainability is part of every new park design, and those that are renovated as well. Permeable paver parking lots, bioswales, rain gardens and non-invasive, native plant landscapes are commonplace now. Also, most park signs, benches and new refuse containers are made from recycled materials that are locally manufactured.
Greening our communities – literally – has been a leafy aspiration, with upward of 6,000 trees planted District-wide in the last five years. Trees add shelter and beauty while removing carbon dioxide and creating oxygen. Take a deep breath if you like.
Recycling efforts have been ramped up as well. On average, the District recycles more than 60 tons of paper products and nearly 10 tons of glass/plastic/aluminum on an annual basis, figures that should continue to rise through expanded efforts from a partnership with the Association for Individual Development (AID).
Currently, the District is working to incorporate solar improvements to each of the District’s Community Centers. The Cole Administration building and the Greenhouse have previously been retrofitted with solar panels to reduce electrical consumption during peak times. As a companion piece, all of the District’s purchased grid electric is from wind generation.
The Green Team
The Green Team is represented by employees whose job titles and responsibilities are all very different – and that’s by design. Each member brings a unique perspective. Working together, they develop insights and solutions for making the Park District a leader in green practices and sustainability.
Green Team Mission Statement
The mission of the Fox Valley Park District’s Green Team is to create an overall awareness and understanding of environmental issues. We promote the adoption of responsible practices and policies that strengthen the District’s commitment to stewardship in the communities we serve.